Thursday, April 12, 2012

Moved into a hanger - Franklin County Airport

There has been a lull in the action while we sold our home and moved everything into storage. Lost my great basement workshop, but was able to move the shop and plane out to the airport. Fellow EAA 1114 member Duane Dillingham graciously offered his basement as a temporary home for the Piet while we settled in. A big thank you to Duane!

There is a special bond within the Pietenpol community. Can't really explain it, but they are like friends for life and most I have never met in person. Just good people.

Fellow Pietenpol builder Curt Merdan was in town and helped me move my wings and fuse out of storage and into the hanger.

Shop is open for business in the hanger. April 12, 2012 - First time the wings are mounted!