Sunday, August 19, 2012


Engine, Landing Gear & Metal Fittings.

 Exciting day! My engine arrived on 8/16/2012. Complete logs and everything looks good!

Continued work on the metal fittings.

Spent some good time at the hanger this weekend working on the landing gear.

Good fit!

Elevator control horns in place.

Rudder horn in place.

Was able to get to the hanger for a few hours on Sunday.
One side of the metal fittings for the gear drilled and in place.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

April 21, 2012

Routed out the mortises for the hinges. Rounded the corners if the hinges as opposed to squaring up the mortises. I used an inexpensive laminate router from Harbour Freight. I think I paid more for the router bit! Perfect tool for this job.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Moved into a hanger - Franklin County Airport

There has been a lull in the action while we sold our home and moved everything into storage. Lost my great basement workshop, but was able to move the shop and plane out to the airport. Fellow EAA 1114 member Duane Dillingham graciously offered his basement as a temporary home for the Piet while we settled in. A big thank you to Duane!

There is a special bond within the Pietenpol community. Can't really explain it, but they are like friends for life and most I have never met in person. Just good people.

Fellow Pietenpol builder Curt Merdan was in town and helped me move my wings and fuse out of storage and into the hanger.

Shop is open for business in the hanger. April 12, 2012 - First time the wings are mounted!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Working on the Landing Gear.

Working on the landing gear. I stole the set up idea from Steve Chase's website, where Steve is building a Pietenpol. His workmanship is outstanding! I continue to stuggle with the compound angles. Now back to the shop to make this work!

More Welding with Dr. Marc

My good friend Marc Gottlieb opened his well equipped shop and his welding talent to work on the Piet.
I am extremely grateful to Marc for his help. He has taken the better part of three full days to assist me. Actually, I assisted him. His wide variety of tools and supplies also let me grind, polish and fine tune the parts.

Marc Welding